
____My little sisteR____

Can you guess who is she?My sister!Isn't she lovely?
Here is her seventh birthday,look at her face, it seems that she works very hard to make her dream
true, can you see it?Look at her brows,she is very cute^^ isn't she?
How to define her?An angel at night and a devil during the day :D,
fortunately she is not like a devil all the time,sometime she is very lovely,she make me laugh,
she kiss me and make me happy, and very to have a little sister, but sometime she makes me
crazy,really crazy, why?Because she really like screaming when she is angry with someone...
I'm ending here because I don't want to say something bad about her behind her back, xixi is not correct.
We have 9years difference, it is not so easy to understand each other..but it's not impossible,
even if we usually argue but we love each other, thought it bothers me a little it's ok like this,
she is always my sister, little sister after all, I have to console her in her bad days,
make her know that she is not alone, help her then be a responsable sister,
isn't it?
Do you have brothers or sisters?How do them act in front of you?Let's discuss about it 

